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5.24 - Standard Working

The correct working procedures for each workstation are documented on Standard Working Sheets which are displayed at the workstation. They use schematics to represent the critical elements required of the Process Operator or ‘Manufacturer’ to complete the tasks accurately and reliably.

Example of a Standard Working Sheet

Standard Working - Work Sheet

The Standard Working Procedure describes, step by step, the process to be carried out.

Each step has an associated cycle time and Standard Stock. Standard Stock is what results from the following the Standard Working Procedure both at the workstation and in between workstations. Deviation from the Standard Stock is an immediate feedback to the ‘Manufacturer’ and cell leader that a variation to the Standard Working Procedure has occurred.

The Standard Working Procedure includes ergonomic design of the area. It includes the correct number of stock locations, accounting for the planned product volume and variety. This ensures an orderly approach (‘a place for everything and everything in its place’). Standard Working Sheets often include the work routine as the operator moves through the several processes under his control (as shown below):-

Standard Working - Flow Diagram

A Place for Everything and Everything in Its Place - Standard Working

The process is systematically designed, the products having previously been designed for assembly and manufacture (DFMA). Product and Process FMEA’s have also been undertaken. Initially the process is described using Input / Output Analysis and a concept process FMEA produced to prioritise major sources of defects for removal. The process is then flowcharted to achieve clear understanding and highlight no-value added activities (NVA) which are subsequently eliminated. The process FMEA is then developed to target the application of component quality assurance, Poka Yoke (foolproof) devices and process controls (including SPC) are applied to ensure quality control at source in pursuit of zero defects. Significant contribution comes from expert operational personnel, typically the operators themselves, multi-disciplinary teams during the development phase or cell based improvement groups during operation.

Standard Working - Input - Output Diagram

All staff, from cell leader downwards, is expected to discuss the standard working procedures and processes. Typical issues for consideration are:-

  • Where are there no-value added activities or wasteful activities that can be eliminated or reduced (storage etc)?
  • What improvements have the operators made to the procedures?
  • What are the measures of performance?
  • What further improvements are possible?
  • Who is the customer for the product or process?
Further Reading