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2.02 - Executive Alignment

Leadership to Achieve Change

Effective business change requires a top-down commitment and direction from the business executive. This requires a shared understanding of best practice, need for change and business vision. One way for a management team to consolidate such knowledge is through an executive workshop.

What is an executive workshop?

A carefully constructed appreciation programme combining best practice training, case study presentations, diagnostic feedback and team syndicate work. This provides the dual function of team building and detailed aware-ness development. A well run executive workshop can very quickly help a management team understand new methodologies and technologies. It also gives them a structured approach to help each other through the difficult process of initiating and implementing change project programmes.

The Process

Firstly a short diagnostic study, usually with external input, to evaluate the opportunities for improvements should be undertaken, where senior staffs work closely with external consultants. The benefits of using external consultants at this stage are impartiality, and experience in running successful workshops.


Typically two days to one week depending on subject area covered.

The Next Step

The next step after a workshop is usually for management teams to set up work force projects to design and implement changes targeted at clearly on the achievement of business objectives. Regular management reviews and full time project management are necessary, as well as a good communication structure to keep staff informed. Team training prior to project activity is the best way to make change happen quickly and professionally.


Audits can then follow to focus actions in specific areas. For example:

    • Effectiveness audit of installed computer systems
    • Audit of project management structures
    • Manufacturing Strategy audit
    • True product group cost audit

Typical Workshop Topics

    1. Benchmarking, Gap Analysis and Visioning
    2. Supply Chain Management
    3. Change Management
    4. Operations Design Process
    5. Introducing Simultaneous (or Concurrent) Engineering
    6. Designing an IT/IS Strategy matched to business process
    7. Supplier Development, supplies organisation simplification and cost reduction
    8. Materials Flow Analysis
    9. Design for Manufacture and Assembly
    10. Installing effective project management systems supervised by programme management
    11. Using quality development tools
    12. Integrated maintenance
    13. Process Capability
    14. Logistics and Distribution
    15. Customer Interface
    16. Target Cost Management
    17. Material & Process Selection Systems Design
    18. Product Life-cycle Management (PLM)
    19. Design for Six Sigma
    20. etc.